Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Paper Woes

Let's see, Lee Hsien Loong...Blair...Mandela...Bill Gates, me? Nowadays we can get all sorts of funny advertisement brochures/letters in the mail box. Not email box, ok! :p

Quick glance at the so-called Periodical-Inter-Office-Envelope : Wista Magna? My address should be Vista Magna! So it's quite obvious they got my contact through National Geographic's network, since they uses "Wista" as well.

Advertisement like this can only come from some well extablished magazines, local loan-sharks/coffee shop/new housing etc. can't care much about placing their product info in the envelope, linking you up with the likes of...perhaps our PM? Hello, this is Malaysia! Anyway those "papers" would clogged up your mail box pretty soon, but i will still go through them one by one, instead of dumping the whole stack of waste-paper. Too bad if i dump some important letters, bills or postcards with it!

It reminds me of NatGeo's survey some years back, seeking reader's opinion regarding the idea of e-magazine. Even though they hardly mentioned about things like "save trees", save subscription fees or whatever their intention can be, it's still 'NO, THANK YOU VERY MUCH' for me. You can "e" every thing else, but not some magazines or documentaries that requires lots of photographic input, and certainly not NatGeo!!!

But sadly, while they can have recycled-paper envelope, you can't jeopardise the printing quality of the magazine by using one. The only thing that i can do to help is to renew my membership/subscription as soon as possible - - almost a year ahead. Management wise, aviod inflation, to which i actually end up paying lesser.

Just wondering why only NatGeo can do this.


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